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5 Self-care Tips for Remote Workers

May has come to an end, and since it was Mental Health Awareness Month, we think this is the perfect time to reflect on your self-care when working remotely - changes that will stay with you throughout the year!

5 Self-care Tips for Remote Workers

Here are some of the sentences we've all said or heard our remote colleagues say at some point:

"I work more when at home than in the office."

"I know nothing about my fellow workers."

"Sometimes I don't even have time for real food; I snack all the time."

Aside from all the amazing things that we love about working from home, remote work is sometimes just work, tasks and snacking, with no breaks and no chit-chats with colleagues.

One of the biggest challenges of remote work is maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Without clear boundaries between work and personal life, it can be easy to overwork and neglect your self care. This inevitably leads to burnout and a decline in overall well-being.

Remote Santa has got your back with 5 awesome self-care tips to keep you feeling good while working remotely:

Set up a Home Office - even if it’s not Fancy!

Having a dedicated workspace (even if it’s just a separate desk and a chair in the corner of your kitchen) can help you set up a clear boundary between work and personal life. You can easily mentally switch into "work mode" and create a sense of routine. This helps your brain get prepped for work and “get away” from work when the workday is over!

Schedule Breaks into your Calendar

It's easy to get caught up in work when you're in your own space and working alone. No one is distracting you, and no one is inviting you for a 15-minute coffee break in the kitchen. This works well when you need concentration, but it's not so good for your mental health! Taking a quick walk outside, doing some stretching, or simply stepping away from the computer screen can help you recharge and refocus. Why don't you try scheduling those mini breaks into your calendar?

Eat a Real Lunch

Snacking is not lunch! We all know it, but it still happens that we get carried away with meetings and end up snacking instead of eating a proper meal. Or we order food, but then eat it by the computer, multitasking, and having meetings. Here's an important bit of self-care: set your status as 'away' and eat your lunch at your dining table!

Chit-chat with your Colleagues

Even if you've got your work-from-home game on lockdown, don't forget to make some work friends. If you're in the same area, why not organize a co-working session at a nearby cafe or grab some dinner after work? If you're working with a team that's spread out across the globe, you need to get more creative - virtual team-building activities like virtual parties, games, and celebrations can be a lots of fun.

Remote Santa offers fun virtual celebration tools and collaborative gifting games for remote teams that can help you feel more connected with your colleagues. 

Learn more and sign up for Remote Santa, or book a short demo to get your questions answered.

Hold your Employer Accountable

Employers are also responsible for their employees' well-being, so if possible, choose companies that have mental health policies in place and managers who are aware of this problem. Paid sick days, free mental health services, and fitness options are just a few things companies can include in their benefits to maintain employees' mental well-being.

At the lower level, set boundaries with your direct manager - just because you're at home and by your computer doesn't mean you're always available!